Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Eat healthy! So let’s do some sprouting.
Oh! You have never done it then you had miss the really treat. It’s simple but very healthy like they are high in fiber, low in calories, they are easy to digest, have vitamins also contain protein and minerals and amino acid.
I regularly sprout beans for our salad and dishes. The good results come with masoor, mong lentils, green peas, kidney beans, Lima beans but our favorite beans are green mung or moong lentils and beans.
Today I am going to tell you my method:
Take 1/2cup or 1 cup of Green Lentils (mung dal ) and soak in 2or 3 time of more water. Let it set for 8hours or best is overnight. Next morning throw the beans or lentil/ Dal water, takes a thick kitchen paper towel or cloth and wet slightly then put the swollen Dal in it .wrap properly and keep in a strainer for a day or 36hours.Check if the sprout properly otherwise keep for sometime more. Do wet the towel occasionally .You will know they are ready because they will have grown a little tail let the tail grow a little longer Then put them in zip lock bag and store  in the refrigerator .its important to store them dry. Beans and dals sprout better in summer then in winter. You can freeze your sprout for future use in salad or cooking.

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